Age and language requirements : 13 - 18 and minimum 2 years
of high school French or equivalent

Summer homestay experience in France

icon flip-flop icon family icon Paris Eiffel tower

Students willing to travel at different dates should inform us and will have to travel independently. An additional cost of €150 must be planned for Airport pick-up and escorting to the host family (if not by plane).

Program Description

French host families in France volunteer to host exchange students because they are proud to allow foreign teenagers to learn first-hand about their culture and Language. Since "Terre des Langues" has coordinators throughout the country, students may be placed in any part of France. When a student suggests a specific area, we are doing our best to meet his wish but unfortunately, we cannot commit on this. It is important as well to understand that July and August are vacation months in France and that many families take their student to their vacation home.

Each participant must be willing to fully share the life of his "French parents" as he will be considered as a full member of their family. Students should therefore be open-minded, easy going and willing to adapt to cultural differences. Of course, they should be willing as well to improve their Language skills. Upon arrival in France, students are welcome at the airport by a "Terre des Langues" representative and escorted to the meeting point with their host family unless they have to take a fight. During the stay, they will be in contact with their area coordinator who has been responsible for choosing their host family and who is fully bilingual. Most "Terre des Langues" representatives are English teachers.

Visit of Paris!

After your 3 week July homestay in France, you may choose to spend your last few days (3 nights) on a guided tour of Paris, The City of Lights. This dynamic tour will lead you through Paris’ many historical sights and includes: Le Louvre, Eiffel Tower, a Bateau Mouche ride along the Seine, a visit to Versailles, the Champs Elysées and dinner in Montmartre.

Program cost
Transatlantic transportation and medical insurance are not included.
Type of program Code Price
Summer homestay 2 weeks anytime F2W 980 €
Summer homestay 3 weeks anytime F3W 1260 €
Summer homestay 4 weeks anytime F4W 1580 €
Summer homestay 6 weeks anytime F6W 1980 €
NB :

*Visit of Paris add-on price = € 440 and additional week €390.